Hey, shut up!

and I will miss
those nights
when I stayed up late
sitting on the kitchen floor
with a blanket around me
with your voice whispering
sweet words in my ear
stayed up late
just to hear your voice
your voice was so close
but you were too faraway
(and now both your voice and you
will forever be too faraway)

but I will get over it

There is no sense in trying.

ännu en gång
gick jag på det där tåget
tåget som var tänkt
att ta mig långt bort
ifrån det som jag
så mycket hatar
det skulle ta mig
till en bättre plats
till en bättre tid
till ett bättre jag
jag trodde verkligen
att allt skulle fungera bra
den här gången
det hade ju fungerat bra
på distans
genom telefonledningarna
väl på plats
blev det allt som jag inte ville
att det skulle bli
allt som kunde gå fel
gick fel
(och alla fel var mina fel)
jag trodde ju verkligen
att det skulle bli bra
men likt förbannat
var jag tvungen att åka tillbaka
med tåget
till platsen jag hatar
och aldrig mer komma tillbaka
till den plats
som skulle göra allt bättre
men vafan
vad trodde jag egentligen?
vad hade jag väntat mig?
jag hade ju åkt det där tåget förut
till samma plats
klart som fan att den platsen
fortfarande bara sårar
så jag borde vetat vad som väntat mig
men likt förbannat
gör jag om samma misstag
gång på gång

samma plats
samma jag
samma du?

"Sluta. Det är meningslöst."

Well, this time I will have
to agree with you.
You're right.
But you're not the right
For me.

It's a living hell over here
Though I'm working with deads.

Your voice so close, your lips so faraway.

I can hear your voice every night
but I can't feel your lips.
That's to bad.
Honey, I want you.



och detta borde inte ens ha skrivits.

igår mindes jag plötsligt
en hemsk sak från min barndom
vi hade en guldfisk
som tog livet av sig.
wonder why.
jag blev ledsen.
bad memory.

She's got everything she needs.

"You will start out standing
Proud to steal her anything she sees
You will start out standing
Proud to steal her anything she sees
But you will end up peeking through her keyhole
Down upon your knees

Sometimes I just don't understand.
Sometimes I just don't get it at all.
But most of the time,
I think I understand
What you mean
And what you want.
I just wish I knew
What I mean
And what I want.

No, no, no, it ain't me, babe.

"It ain't me you're lookin' for, babe."

What do you mean with all these words you keep on writing to me?
Do you really think that I'm the one who will ease your grief?
Do you think that I've got all the answers?
I'm sorry to say, but I don't think that I'm the one you wish for.

But I'd say, at least it's worth a try.

Making dreams every night.

"In the lonely night
In the stardust of a pale blue light
I think of you in black and white
When we were made in dreams"

I kind of wish you were here next to me.

While I'm strolling through the lonely graveyard of my mind.

I do miss you sometimes,
though I don't want to.

See Emily play.

Tries but misunderstands.

Jag lovar att jag ska säga som det är.

Today is a new day.

Forget about yesterday, today is a new day.
And I'm glad to say that everything,  everything feels so good.
Too good to be true.

Well, well... how things can change.

I'm not sure about this anymore...

Yeah, you really got me. You got me so I cant sleep at night.

I'm so tired
I wanna rest my head on your chest
and listen to your heartbeat
I wanna feel your skin
I want you to kiss my forehead
I want you to touch my lips
I want you to sing me a song
and make my night perfect
I wanna feel you
and of course, I wanna eat strawberries with you.

Baby Blue, maybe it has just begun now.

He makes her smile.
It's like finding home after years of being lost.

Miss Lonely working at the graveyard

Walking on the place where we all will be found one day
I feel so alone
But I'm not

"Someday our ocean will find its shore"

"So, I'll leave the ways that are making me be
What I really don't want to be
Leave  the ways that are making me love
What I really don't want to love

And time will tell you
To stay by my side
To keep on trying
'til there's no more to hide

So leave the ways that are making you be
What you really don't want to be
Leave the ways that are making you love
What you really don't want to love."

Maybe this ain't a good idea, after all.


I just can't stop reading your words,
they're so perfectly written.
I can't wait to hear your voice again,
it was too good to be true.

I'm longing for the day
when we'll eat strawberries. :)


"If I'm the one to give you all the answers
I'd say someday atleast it's worth a try."

I'm bored.

Jag är uttråkad, trött och jävlig.
Ska sova tidigt ikväll, eller åtminstone försöka sova.
Har inte varit så mycket sömn den senaste tiden.
Inte bra.

Imorgon fyller jag år.

"Well the future for me is already a thing of the past
You were my first love and you will be my last."

I will be free.

Jag ska skicka brevet, sen är det slut.
Nu är allt sagt och gjort.
Jag kommer aldrig få tillbaka dig.

Jag vet inte hur långt bort
vi bor ifrån varann.
Jag har inte vågat se efter
för jag är rädd att avståndet äts upp av saknaden
(och saknaden äter upp mig).

Minns du aprilkvällen då du sa
"Förlåt, men jag måste"
och tog min hand?
(nu kan du säga förlåt)

Jag är trött på att sakna dig.

It's all over now, Baby Blue.

It has been more than a year, but you still seem so near... fuck, what the hell am I doin'? 
I'm gonna leave you behind and you won't be on my mind anymore.  It's all over now.. for real, for good.

It's beyond pathetic.

"Words have so many meanings
Sometimes mean nothing at all
Sometimes I feel so simple
I don't know what's coming next."

It's beyond pathetic.

I'm gonna stop doing this, pretty soon.

No time to think.

Att kunna men inte vilja,
att vilja men inte kunna?

"My love has just left me and I need someone new, who can tell me forever and my eyes are on you"

Lite update:
Stan med Elin o Emelie idag, mycket trevligt. :) Synd att vi inte kommer ses så ofta sen..^^
Dagens besök i stan resulterade i en Sällskapet-cd och dvd. Ohlala, mkt bra.
Ringde på en lägenhet i Nkpg också, men den var redan tagen, såklart!
Fick dock ett tips om en annan lägenhet som jag nu står listad på. Wiiie! Håll tummarna. ;)

I'm glad to say that you're no longer on my mind.

Please, put me to sleep.

"Maybe my time has come, to walk by your side. " ♥

Well, well, well...

Well, om fem dar vet jag hur min framtid kommer att bli.
Linköping, Norrköping, Stockholm, eller i värsta fall; bli kvar här.

No, I can't be blessed.

"That Baby can't be blessed
Till she sees finally that she's like the rest
With her fog, her amphetamine and her pearls.
She takes just like a woman, yes, she does
She makes love just like a woman, yes, she does
And she aches just like a woman
But she breaks just like a little girl."

Oh, how I wish today can turn to be yesterday pretty soon.

Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free.

I should know by now,
but I keep asking how,
how time can just fly away
though I want it to stay?

"Live for today, gone tomorrow, that's me, HaHaHaaaaaa!"

Now it is the time for me to leave,
but I will be back soon,
see ya soon, baby.  

Give me the lover's curse.

I used to be insane
then I met someone who's just like me
and nowadays, I feel pretty normal.

It's time for me to go to bed
and to stop thinking and begin dreaming.

Bye and bye.

We never did too much talkin' anyway.

"I ain't sayin' you treated me unkind
You could have done better, but I don't mind
You just kinda wasted my precious time
But don't think twice, it's alright."

sometimes I just wish we never ever had met

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